• Question: What is meant by ozonised mineral water?

    Asked by sizzle1999 to Nathan, Allan on 27 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Nathan Langford

      Nathan Langford answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      I had to look this one up, because I don’t actually know the answer. But a couple of things I read suggest that ozonised water is used to make the water safe to drink instead of chlorine and they claimed that it was supposed to be safer than chlorine. But I think you probably need to look into this one more yourself as a research project, because I think you’d need to check it a bit more carefully.

    • Photo: Allan Pang

      Allan Pang answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      I also do not have any clue what it is. I had a short discussion with my lab mates here, and it sounded to us that it can be potentially dangerous.

      Ozone is O3 and O3 is unstable chemical. It breaks off to become O2 and a reactive O.

      You do not want to drink something that has unstable O in it because it is what we call a “free radical” and it can potentially damage your cells! Check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_(chemistry)#Reactive_oxygen_species

      I can be wrong, but that is what we think is ozonised mineral water.

      (And oxygenised mineral water is fine though, coz it is O2 and O2 is stable and needed by your body!)
