• Question: what do u think the best invention is?

    Asked by hollisterchicken to Allan, Angela, Diva, Harriet, Nathan on 28 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Harriet Groom

      Harriet Groom answered on 28 Jun 2012:

      Although it’s not something I work on, I think one of the best inventions is whoever decided to use glass to make lenses. This meant that millions of people were able to see who were not before which is amazing with such a simple piece of technology!

    • Photo: Nathan Langford

      Nathan Langford answered on 28 Jun 2012:

      I think the laser is an amazing invention. It was invented only around 50 years ago and everyone thought it was just a toy. But now lasers are used everywhere! They’re in supermarket scanners, CDs, DVDs and surgical operating theatres. You use them every time you make a long-distance phone call, when people want to make a very flat football field and even when they cut out the material for your denim jeans. And they look pretty too. 😉

      In a similar vein to Harriet, another really cool invention is the cochlear implant, which can make deaf people hear again… very cool.

    • Photo: Diva Amon

      Diva Amon answered on 5 Jul 2012:

      Hey hollisterchicken,

      I’m going to say the toilet and plumbing. Modern life would not have been possible. Diseases caused by lack of sanitation would we a lot more prevalent.

      Try to imagine if there were no toilets in London or in your town where you live. There would be no clean running water or waste removal available. You wouldn’t be able to have tall buildings, airplanes or any infrastructure which could hold lots of people in a small place.

      Also, can you imagine how smelly the world would be! Ewwwww
