• Question: how long have you been working with science, labs and stuff ?

    Asked by matthewhill to Allan, Angela, Diva, Harriet, Nathan on 26 Jun 2012. This question was also asked by reaganunicorn.
    • Photo: Allan Pang

      Allan Pang answered on 26 Jun 2012:

      In terms of learning science, I’ve started out as early as secondary education. During that time, I fall in-love with biology and got to be a contestant in many inter-school science competition.

      But in terms of actual research, I’ve started when I did my Professional Training Year in Wales Heart Research Institute. At that time, I learned how to make proteins from bacteria, purify them and do crystallisation. That’s for a year.

      Right now, I got two months left to finish my PhD. My postgraduate program runs for 4 years. I am working in the same field/area = protein crystallography.

      So all-in-all, that will be 5 years in research.

    • Photo: Nathan Langford

      Nathan Langford answered on 26 Jun 2012:

      I started working in science labs and stuff at the end of my first year at uni, when I did some summer vacation at the physics department. It was me and another guy and we built a laser tweezers or optical tweezers setup and also designed and built an optical fibre tree! Lots of fun! That was about 16 years ago now.

      Actually, I even did work experience in the Physics Department at my home university a couple of years before that, but that was only for one week.

    • Photo: Diva Amon

      Diva Amon answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      In Trinidad, you begin to learn really really basic science from in primary school. Then in secondary school, you start to do Biology, Physics and Chemistry and doing lab work. This then continues through University if you choose to do a science degree. So I would say I’ve been doing serious science in labs for nearly 14 years. That’s more than half of my life!

    • Photo: Angela Lamb

      Angela Lamb answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      I started mostly with my PhD in 1996, so 16 years. After my PhD I worked as a university lecturer for 5 years and then I got my current job as a research scientist.
