• Question: Do you believe in homsexuality?

    Asked by josephinemxox to Allan, Angela, Diva, Harriet, Nathan on 28 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Allan Pang

      Allan Pang answered on 28 Jun 2012:

      Homosexuality does exist. It is real. So, I don’t think there’s any reason why I will not believe in homosexuality.

      Besides, in the animal kingdom, homosexual behaviours are quite… rampant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals

    • Photo: Diva Amon

      Diva Amon answered on 28 Jun 2012:

      Hey Josephine,

      As Allan has said, I don’t think their is an issue of believing in homosexuality as it is real, just another part of life. I think the question should be more ‘do you agree with it?’. The answer for me is: There is absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality. I think every person should have the opportunity to be happy and have equal human rights like the power to marry etc. If two people love and respect each other, they should not be persecuted or have to hide their love.
